Answers to Frequently Asked Questions about ILLiad


  1. What is ILLiad?
  2. What are the benefits of ILLiad?
  3. Why do I need a username and password to use ILLiad?
  4. What if I forget my password?
  5. If I am working for a professor, how should I register?
  6. What Web browser do you recommend?
  7. How can I use the system if I don't have Web access?
  8. Is security a problem if I use a public workstation?
  9. What is Electronic Delivery?
  10. Who do I contact if I have problems with or questions about ILLiad?
  11. Why does e-mail from ILLiad look like gibberish on my computer?

What is ILLiad?

ILLiad is the system you use to request an item through Interlibrary Loan at Cornell. The name ILLiad can be thought of as an acronym for InterLibrary Loan internet accessible database.

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What are the benefits of ILLiad?

  1. You will find it easy to submit Interlibrary Loan requests. With ILLiad, you enter your name, address, and other personal information into the system only once, at the time of your first request.
  2. You can get information about the status of your request through the Web at any time from any location without having to call your ILL Department.
  3. Library personnel are able to provide the best service because all data about your request and its handling is stored in a searchable database. We are able to respond quickly to your inquiries about your request. We are also able to gather statistical information about the performance of the libraries that lend to us, enabling us to make better decisions when choosing a lender to supply an item.
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Why do I need a username and password to use ILLiad?

By enabling you to choose a username and password, we can give you access to information about your Interlibrary Loan requests. You will also be able to edit your personal information such as your address or phone number.

Your username can be anything you like, such as your name, abbreviations, or an alphanumeric code. Your password also can be anything you like. We recommend that you follow good security practice and choose a password that is different from those you use to access other systems. However, no one but you will know your password, not even the library staff. The password you set is stored in an encrypted file.

NOTE: Passwords are case sensitive.

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What if I forget my password?

If you do not have a password hint designated in your registration, please contact your Interlibrary Loan Processing Unit. We can then reset your password allowing you access into the ILLiad system. When this occurs it is advisable to change your password the next time you use the ILLiad system.

If you entered a password hint in your registration, try logging on to the system. If an incorrect password is entered the system will display your hint.

If you are already registered with ILLiad and wish to add a password hint, do the following:

  1. Logon to ILLiad and click on Review Personal Information.
  2. Next, click on Change Password.
  3. In the field labeled "password hint", type in something that will jog your memory or offer a clue to your password.
  4. When finished, scroll down to the bottom of the page and click on the Submit Information button. You now have a password hint.
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If I am working for a professor, how should I register?

If you are working for a professor, requests for that professor should be submitted in the professor's name, not yours. The name on the account is ultimately the person responsible for borrowed material. This means if you are submitting the professor's requests, you will first need to register with ILLiad in his or her name. If the professor is already registered with ILLiad, you will need to know his/her username and password.

The professor must establish Proxy Privileges for you by contacting the Olin Library Circulation Desk at 255-5069; e-mail: or,
or the Mann Library Circulation Desk at with the following information:

  1. Professor's name
  2. Professor's ID#
  3. Your name
  4. Your ID#
  5. Expiration date (default is one year)

This will link your record with the professor's record in the Voyager database.

Note: If you are also doing your own research, you should also register yourself in ILLiad. However, only submit requests under your name for material needed for your own research.

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What Web browser do you recommend?

You need a Web browser that can handle forms, tables, and, preferably, one that can handle frames. This is a minimal configuration when browsing the Web. We recommend either Netscape Navigator version 3.0 or greater or Microsoft Internet Explorer version 3.0 or greater.

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How can I use the system if I don't have Web access?

There are computers with Web clients available for your use in many locations in Cornell's libraries and public computer labs around campus. Public services staff can assist you in using these computers.

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Is security a problem if I use a public workstation?

Yes. Web browsers cache information and create a history file on the local workstation. This allows a subsequent user of the workstation to access the system under your name using the browser's Back button to recall a page from the cache, or by finding a page with your personal information in the browser's history file. If you are concerned about the security of your Interlibrary Loan requests, you can take any of the following measures:

  1. Access the ILLiad system only from your personal computer or an otherwise secure workstation.

  2. When using a public access workstation:
    • Delete from the history file those pages that contain your personal information.
    • Exit from the Web browser before you leave the workstation. This prevents the Back button from accessing the pages you were working with.
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What is electronic delivery?

Many libraries ship photocopies of articles to us in electronic format. In the past we printed these articles before delivering them to you. Now, through ILLiad, we are able to offer you the option of electronic delivery of these articles in PDF format (Adobe's Portable Document Format). Articles are housed on our server for 30 days during which time they can be viewed and printed. Patrons are notified by e-mail when articles are available. The articles or files are viewed from the ILLiad request submission page under the Review Requests section using the View/Download Electronically Received Articles option.

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Who do I contact if I have problems with or questions about ILLiad?

If you need assistance, please contact your Interlibrary Loan Processing Unit and we will be pleased to assist you in resolving any problems. For general questions about citations, please contact the reference desk by e-mail or phone at the library you use most often.

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Why does e-mail from ILLiad look like gibberish on my computer?

Probably you are reading your e-mail on a mainframe or UNIX computer. Your problem results from the fact that your mail reader is not MIME-compliant. On a UNIX computer, either you or your system administrator should be able to upgrade your mail system to be MIME-compliant. 

Technical background

The ILLiad mailer uses the Internet standard quoted-printable encoding when it sends you an automated message. This encoding is part of the MIME standard. MIME stands for Multipurpose Internet Mail Extensions.

MIME has two purposes. First, it allows mail applications to tell one another what sort of data is in mail. Second, it provides standard ways for mail applications to encode data so it can be sent through the Internet mail system. MIME encoding overcomes the limitations of the SMTP (Simple Mail Transfer Protocol) that is used to move mail over the Internet. SMTP is limited to the US-ASCII character set.

Metamail is a Unix program that can decode MIME-encoded mail. Some UNIX mailers, for example ELM, will automatically call metamail, resulting in an error message if metamail is not found on the system. Other UNIX mailers, for instance PINE, have the native ability to handle MIME messages.

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